
Biomechanic Training

Biomechanic Training

Biomechanics is the science and matter of of force on your body and equilibrium. There are two sectors of biomechanics: extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic examines different forms of movement and identifies the most efficient manner to perform them. Intrinsic mechanics studies your personal bodies performance of these movements, to determine any mechanical deficiency you may have. To learn more about the science of biomechanics, click here.

At Exclusive Physical Therapy, we utilize biomechanics training to enhance sports performance and prevent injury in athletes. We examine athletes movements when performing exercises, or common motions relative to their sport and identify problematic areas. Identifying these areas and refining the motion can limit tension and impact on your joints and muscles. This will ensure you remain healthy to continue your training adequately, without the risk of a devastating injury.

To learn more about our biomechanics program, please contact us online, or schedule an appointment today with one of our expert physical therapists, to begin your training right away!For more information, contact Exclusive Physical Therapy at our Lansing, MI center

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